Humidity & Temperature Electronic Transmitter with Humi-chip   module
The H1 transmitter operates by using the value made by a   highly accurate capacitive 
sensor thatis integrated in a silicon microchip   Humi-chip.

This technology allows   for excellent long-term stability and accurate process 
measurements,thanks to   the perfect integration between the sensors of Umidity and 
compensation ofTemperature. The Humi-chip module that   incorporates the sensor can 
be easily interchangedwithout the need for   re-calibration.

H1 main   characteristics:

   - Sensor very durable and moisture resistant
   - Humidity and Temperature outputs: 4-20 mA 2 wire or 0-10 V. Both analogue   
     outputs are isolated. PT100 available.
   - Accuracy: RH% 1.8 between 10% and 90%
   - Stability: long term drift < 0.5 RH%/year.
   - Humi-chip environmental limits: -   30°C...+ 90°C
   - LCD display available
   - Housing: IP66, for wall, duct and remote sensor models
   - Electrical connections: Terminal strip or M12 connectors